DIANA (Displacement Analyzer) is an extensive multi-purpose finite element software package with dedicated features for geotechnical engineering. The program provides a wide range of state-of-the-art constitutive models for tackling soil and rock materials in applications as diverse ad foundations, embankments, tunnels, excavations, slope stability, mines and dams.
The analysis capabilities for pore pressure and consolidation, ground water flow, earthquake and liquefaction problems are some of the most advance available and are essential for accurate analysis of these types of coupled problems.
DIANA Finite Element Analysis also offers advanced features to model both steel, and reinforced concrete structures that interact with the ground.
Examples of Geotechnical analyses which can be performed with DIANA Finite Element Analysis
- In-situ stress (Ko procedure/gravity loading/pre-stress) and pore-pressure initialisation
- Construction staged analysis
- Drained/undrained analysis
- Seepage analysis (steady state / transient)
- Saturated or partially saturated flow
- Consolidation analysis (full coupled stress-flow analysis)
- Pressure dependent degree of saturation
- Freely moving phreatic surfaces
- Porosity or saturation dependent permeability
- Deformation dependent density and porosity
- Dynamic (linear and nonlinear) liquefaction analysis
- Special (embedded) pile elements and nonlinear pile shaft and toe interfaces
- Anchors, nails and rock bolt modelling
- Geotextiles
- Strength reduction analysis (phi-c)
- Engineering liquefaction
Examples of Available Models for Soil & Rock
- Mohr-Coulomb, Tresca
- Drucker-Prager, Von Mises
- Transversely Isotropic
- Duncan-Chang
- Hoek-Brown
- Jointed Rock
- Modified Cam-Clay Jardine (London clay)
- Modified Mohr-Coulomb (Cap model)
- Classic brick
- Special interface models
- User supplied subroutines
Examples of Dynamic & Liquefaction Analyses available in DIANA Finite Element Analysis
- Eigenvalue analysis (eigenfrequencies, eigenmodes, participation factors, effective masses)
- Direct frequency response analysis
- Modal frequency response analysis
- Spectral response analysis (ABS, SRSS, and CQC modal combinations)
- Linear and nonlinear time domain analysis (total, transient and steady state, solution)
- Various time integration methods, eg. Newmark, Wilson-theta, Runge-Kutta
- Hybrid frequency-time domain analysis (steady state solution)
- Fluid-structure interaction
- Multi-directional base acceleration loads
- Prescribed nodal acceleration lods
- Distributed mass elements (2D line elements + 3D surface elements)
- Bounding/boundary elements for far field behaviour (2D line elements + 3D surface elements)
- Viscous, structural and continuous damping
- Specified or calculated initial conditions
- Consistent or lumped mass and/or damping matrices
- Towhata-lai liquefaction model (2D models and largely un-drained conditions)
- Nishi liquefaction model (for 2D/3D, partially drained conditions, arbitrary shearing direction)
- Bowl liquefaction model (for 2D/3D, partially drained conditions, horizontal shearing)
- User-supplied liquefaction models (USRLIQ subroutine)