Learn who the winners of the 2012 Shamsher Prakash Reseach Award are.
2012 SP RESEARCH AWARD has been won by:
Ioannis Anastasopoulos, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering at the National Technical University
of Athens (NTUA).
His research spans many areas of geotechnical earthquake engineering with emphasis on soil–structure interaction. Combining numerical analysis with physical modeling, he has published 45 Journal papers and more than 100 in Books and Conference Proceedings, and has been the driving force behind the development of a new Experimental Facility for Simulation of Soil-Structure Systems at NTUA. He has participated in several European research projects, and served as a Consultant in a variety of engineering projects in Greece, the US, U.A.E., and Qatar. Recently, he was selected by the ISSMGE as the inaugural recipient of the Young
Researcher Award in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering.
Dominic Assimaki, Associate Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, GeorgiaInstitute of Technology.
Dr. Dominic Assimaki's research focuses on the numerical simulation of nonlinear soil response to seismic loading, on dynamic soil-structure interaction, and on inverse problems in near-surface geophysics. Research results include the development of novel simulation tools for 1D nonlinear site response analyses and their integration in broadband ground motion simulations, studies on 2D and 3D topography effects including nonlinear soil response, formulation of macroelements for soilstructure interaction at liquefiable sites implemented for the design of waterfront structures and offshore wind foundations, as well as linear and nonlinear soil characterization algorithms based on full waveform inversion of downhole array recordings.
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