Shamsher Prakash, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, Emeritus Professor at MissouriUniversity of Science and Technology in Rolla, Mo., was recently named a Distinguished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
The Society’s highest accolade, active distinguished membership is comprised of approximately only 200 of its 140,000 members worldwide. Prakash will be presented the award, in honor of his pioneering work in soil dynamics, seismic analysis and revolutionizing geotechnical engineering, on October 20-22, 2011, at ASCE’s Annual Civil Engineering Conference in Memphis, Tenn.
Prakash began his professional career as an assistant engineer in 1954, and went on to become a professor at his alma mater, Roorkee University, where he received his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He has also worked at the University of Missouri-Rolla as an associate professor and as an Emeritus professor in his current position at Missouri University of Science and Technology. Prakash has more than 50 years of teaching experience, and he has published 10 textbooks, more than 300 technical articles in professional journals and conference proceedings, 94 reports, edited 18 books and conference proceeding, and presented 90 invited lectures at more than 40 institutes in 12 different countries.
Prakash has numerous professional achievements include authoring the first comprehensive text on soil dynamics and developing the first design procedure of piles under dynamic loads. He revolutionized the use of geotechnical engineering case histories in professional practice and education by organizing six international conferences on case histories, initiated research on liquefaction of silts and clays, authored several graduate level textbooks, initiated displacement based design of rigid retaining walls/abutments and developed credible design procedures. He also established a number of awards for geotechnical research, set up the first soil dynamics lab at ITT Roorkee and organized and chaired four international conferences on soil dynamics. He has won multiple awards from institutes all over the world from his contributions to the field. Prakash is a registered professional engineer in Missouri, India and the United Kingdom.
He has made several seminal contributions to the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering, in which he is recognized for advancing soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering research. He is a pioneer in liquefactions of fine grained soils (silts and clay) and pile-soil-pile interaction under dynamic loads. He has revolutionized both the field and case histories in practice and education. His books, reports and publications serve as a mentor to students in the field. He has made an incomparable contribution to geotechnical engineering by supplying one of the most profound compilations ever of geotechnical engineering case studies.
Prakash received his doctorate’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne in Urbana, Ill. He is a current resident of Missouri.
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