Analysis and design of underpinning bodies
System input using absolute heights
Choice of analysis using either partial safety factors to DIN 1054:2005 or EC 7 or global safety factor (DIN 1054 old)
Consideration of active and passive berms
Consideration of active and passive bounded and double-bounded surcharges
Consideration of displacement and action boundary conditions, anchors and struts etc.
Analysis using active earth pressure, at-rest ea th pressure and increased active earth pressure
Active earth pressure coefficients to DIN 4085 or user-defined values
Passive earth pressure coefficients to DIN 4085:2011, Streck, Caquot/Kerisel or user-defined values
Consideration of hydraulic gradients on the active and the passive side
Analysis of bearing capacity safety to DIN 4017 with "5% condition" test
Settlement analysis to DIN 4019
Limiting depth analysis using x % of overburden stress, a multiple of the footing width or as a fixed value
Verification of sliding safety, hydraulic heave and buoyancy safety
EQU analysis
Unreinforced concrete verification
Anchor steel design
Verification of deep-seated stability with optimisation of anchor lengths
Consideration of prestressing of anchors and struts possible
State variables can be selected for struts under load
Seismic effects via additional horizontal loads and/or altered earth pressure coefficients to EC 8 or EAU 1992
Automatic search for earth pressure redistributions proposed by EAB
Choice of result presentation for earth pressure, water pressure, moment, shear force, normal force and bending line
50 additional earth pressure distributions, 20 area loads at any depth
Graphical visualisation summarising various advancing and retreating stages
Interface to the GGU-STABILITY (slope stability analysis)
Adopted standard, program name and version can be included in the General legend
Freely definable positioning and sizing of graphical elements and legends
Print or copy screen sections, e.g. for transfer to a word processor
Integrated Mini-CAD system for additional annotation of graphics
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