TRENCH 2019 is a user friendly, affordable, and versatile software program that evaluates the stability of slurry supported trenches and panels for 2D and 3D analyses.
DownloadTRENCH 2019 is a user friendly, affordable, and versatile software program that evaluates the stability of slurry supported trenches and panels for 2D and 3D analyses. With TRENCH analyze n a few minutes what would take hours to do by hand. Trench 2019 is the newest edition of the software, it is an upgrade from Trench 2012, and comes with a new interactive environment and new capabilities.
Features and Capabilities
- 3-Dimensional stability according to German DIN 4126.
- 2-Dimensional stability with wedges or active pressures.
- 2D and 3D loads, including buildings etc.
- Vary slurry densities, panel dimensions, etc.
- Alternative definitions of safety factors.
- Use uniform or custom surcharge patterns.
- Safety factor given throughout depth of trench.
- Multiple analysis combinations with different layers or properties.
- Perform parametric studies without changing default data.
- User friendly and comprehensive sreen and printer outputs
- Metric and English units available.
Category | Deep Excavations , Earth Retaining Structures , Retaining Walls |
Licence Type | Commercial |