The following retaining walls can be
designed with this software:
- Sheet pile wall
- Soldier pile wall
- In-situ concrete wall (diaphragm wall,
bored pile wall, contiguous wall)
- CMG (cut-mix-grout) wall
- System input using absolute heights
- Choice of analysis using either
partial safety factors to DIN 1054:2005 or EC 7 or global safety factor (DIN 1054 old)
- Sheet pile wall analysis using EC 3-5
- Steel analysis using EC 3
- Berms on the active and the passive sides
- Bounded and double-bounded surcharges on active and passive sides
- Analysis using active earth pressure,
at-rest ea th pressure and increased active earth pressure
- Active earth pressure coefficients to
DIN 4085 or user-defined values
- Passive earth pressure coefficients to
DIN 4085:2011, Streck, Caquot/Kerisel or user-defined values
- Seismic effects via altered earth pressure coefficients to EC 8 or EAU 1992
- Consideration of hydraulic gradient on the active and the passive sides
- Verification of hydraulic heave safety,
buoyancy safety, base heave safety,
heave of anchor soil , pull-out resistance
- Deep-seated stability with optimisation of anchor lengths
- Input of displacement and action boundary conditions, anchor and strut locations, pre-deformations and much more
- Automatic search for the earth pressure redistri utions proposed by the EAB + EAU
- Continuous elastic support in the toe area with any profile
- Expandable database using standard
profiles for oldier piles and sheet piles
- Anchor steel design
- Reinforced concrete design and crack width verification to DIN 1045-1 for circular and rectangular cross-sections
- Buckling analysis to DIN EN 1993-1-1 using 2nd order theory
- Design of infill for soldier pile walls
- Choice of visualisation of earth pressure, water pressure, moments, shear force, normal force and bending line
- Graphical visualisation summarising various advancing and retreating stages
- Retaining wall as legend
- Interface to the GGU-STABILITY program (slope failure analyses)
- User-defined design of output sheet
- Print or copy screen sections, e.g. for transfer to a word processor
- Integrated Mini-CAD system for additional annotation of graphics