This program is used for the analysis of the vertical bearing capacity of a single pile loaded both in tension or compression, pile settlement, as well as horizontal bearing capacity of a single pile. The main features of GEO5 Pile program are:
- Vertical bearing capacity analysis
- Method of effective stresses
- CSN 73 1002
- Settlement analysis
- Linear load-settlement curve
- Nonlinear load-settlement curve
- EN 1997 – option to choose partial factors based on National Annexes
- EN 1997 – option to choose all design approaches, consider design situations
- EN 1997 – accounting for the influence of pile technology
- Computation of load-settlement curve by the Finite Element Method (spring method) considering deformational characteristics of the soil
- Consideration of the influence of pile technology (bored, driven, CFA piles)
- Various shapes of pile cross-section (rectangle, I - cross-section, cross, tube)
- Possibility of changing circular pile diameter with a depth
- Determination of the modulus of subsoil reaction along the pile length according to Vesic, Mattlock, and Reese, CSN or input by a user (constant or linear distribution)
- Analysis of horizontal bearing capacity (Broms method, p-y method)
- Output of results for load cases
- Negative skin friction
- Shear bearing capacity of RC cross-section
- Design of reinforced concrete cross-sections according to EN 1992-1 (EC 2), BS, PN, IS, AS, ACI, GB, SNiP, CSN
- Verification of steel pile cross section
- Verification of timber pile cross section